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Invasion Fu.. up statement


Splitscreen Studios
Dec 3, 2015
Reaction score
Hey ho pirates of Askone,

Some time ago invasion events took place on Askone that should not have taken place in this form. Unfortunately, a unit that is decidedly OP -- it was intended to be used as a finisher for such events in singular cases -- was used for spawning a swarm. This gave you the opportunity to collect far more Cryonite than was intended.

Due to the enormous amount of Cryonite, the economy on Askone was severely damaged. Unfortunately, we had to remove that Cryonite from some pilots. We chose not to deduct all of the Cryonite from said events -- you were left with a bonus of about the amount you could normally farm during such events. This is how we proceeded in detail:

  • Every pilot who earned up to 15 million Cryonite through the aforementioned spawn events may keep this amount.
  • All Cryonite amounts over 15 million have been deducted from pilots' accounts again.
  • If pilots recently spent large amounts of Cryonite, they may enter negative Cryonite territory as a result of the deduction. In order to remain fair here, we chose to only deduct half the amount for all Cryonite to be deducted that was below zero. So, affected pilots can quickly balance their Cryonite accounts by selling items (where you get half of the purchase price back).
  • Also, we will be holding a Cryonite boost event.

Now you might say "hey your game, your server, why are you only reacting now?". Yes, it's been over a month since this unit was used -- but we only found out about it in mid-February. As there were several events on different days, we had to sift through and check a lot of data, which took a lot of time. We also consulted chat logs to find out exactly what was happening on Askone. In the course of this, we saw that some of you had reported in chat that a lot of Cryonite was dropping. This was back in January, when it was also mentioned in the chat that this was a kind of compensation for a bad update. Unfortunately, the CM responsible did not provide us with any information about this and proceeded to spawn the units in question a few more times. We, the devs, only found out about this in February. We have strictly forbidden the execution of spawn events since.

However, we will find a way to make these small events available to you again as soon as possible.

We would never offer compensation for a bad update affecting all servers on a single server only. All servers would receive compensation in such a case.

We will launch a global booster before Easter, which will enable all pilots on all servers to gather more Cryonite, as is appropriate for real compensation.