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HP and damage


Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score

Lately str. OS has gotten weaker,
Blaster seems to have gotten weaker, bit difficult to tell since the OS deals less dmg.
Sir.Aggrobomb cant even kill 3 signors on hive.
kenyte rep.turret and attack field cant withstand more then 2 blaster shots from boss in R4.
Mantis sees you while you go full speed AB with bought engine booster and drone. AB even takes time to achieve full velocity, if you use srt.sir.AB it stops to early. Long AB? dont even think about using it on R85 ship.
Aimscrambeler seems to be less efficient, (?)
str.repair target doesnt rep any ship (parsec/RDX) to full health, and if 3 mantis MU R4 shoots at you, rep cant keep up with dmg. dealt.

Mantis in draco and sirius is way below lvl 85, how can their HP be so good? what planet did they get those blasters from?

what is the point of nerfing the pilot ships/items and not do the same with the mantis?
as the game is now, you really need to scale the game over again, draco and sirius.

if this scaling is part of the upcoming Tau Ceti then please release some information!
but even so, you cant keep downgrading our hard earned equipment to oblivion and not scale it properly for PVE.
ive bought several boosters, firepower relay, engine, tracker, deflector, cryo, vault. It`s still not enough, still a little fly needing to hold some ones hand to survive.

much of this started after the new set of R85 armor, an armor that i allready had bought for tons of cryo. it was reduced to R75? i didnt see that my spent cryo on R85 armor back into my account. Still i had to buy a new one at full price. still, im lucky, i didnt have that many parsec-class ships as many of my ingame friends has, i`ve soon buildt my third and didnt get ripped off that much.
mthe recent agony, is due to the new armor that has balanced the game in the wrong direction. after it came to be, the AB is not working as it should, ships got less HP compared to the mantis.

Please adjust the HP of Draco and sirius mantis a coupple of levels down:)

by the way. god thing is that the x-ships has 25% better armor then ordinary system ships, but the x-ship of the system is a new breed, what % of ship is it supposed to be thougher - from?

Parsec/RDX should atleast be 45-60% thougher/stronger than equivalent standard system ships. i find the scaling between cost/use to be not fitting. meta tank cost with standard R70 armor 220 474 cryo, dominator with equivalent armor level costs 1 796 563 cryo, majority of the difference should punch parsec-class/RDX way over 20% more armor. sure you pay abit more for something more fancy than standard stuff, but armor needs bigger difference.

I was helping a pilot on hive with sm, at first i tried useing my meta sniper that i allready had sold the armor from, was complete stupidity!
i had to goget my meta tank, sell the armor and pray to andromeda that a draco tank could survive more then 2-3 blasts from mantis. what is the point? why do we who has allready gone through the hardships needing to go through the same over and over again when the ship armor is still the same? why cant we pilots have some benefits for completing a system and have the opertunity to help others in a slight easier way, like in this case a better armor. it is still a system-ship. same goes for cry droprate, as long as you use a systemship with system BP`s there shouldn`t be any penalty for the droprate, it`s just sick. You`ve grinded your behind off to get the rare prints, you spend loads of hours grinding and gets punished for it? this applies to all systems an sirius.

this is something i hope the devs. will take into the account and do someting about.


Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
Wow did you ever cover a lot -- I am in full agreement. I have tried some of my parsec / rdx ships and I can't believe the strength of the mantis now -- or is it the weakness of my tech? Please correct this problem and yes it is a problem. Many of my friends are thinking of quitting the game and I must confess it has crossed my mind as well.
Bye for now and I hope to see the correction soon.


New member
Dec 1, 2016
Reaction score
While I've seen a bit of change in the strength of the Mantis relative to our pilot gear, what's become clear is that we can't simply continue to fight the same way as before (eg. point and shoot). It's now necessary to adjust our fighting style and improve our technique in order to be as effective as before. Achieving top warscore is easily accomplished by grinding on Gaz and Hive using a weaker ship, but can be done with a few more hours using a Sirius ship as well.

As for the recent updates that were pushed yesterday I have to say I'm not all that wow'd. A couple mods to our HUD (ex. % health of our ship and that of our target) and a new dock are not what I'd call amazing, but they are recognized and appreciated. We hope to see continued improvements rather than simply increasing difficulty by nerfing our side of the battle equation.

I agree w/ previous posters on the differential between RDX ships and stock models. The 20% boost in armor is paltry comparative to the cost to build one out. The pricing is like comparing a Porsche versus a Honda (about 3x more), while the performance is like comparing a Hummer versus a Jeep (about a 2% difference). What's the point in grinding all that cryo when the net benefit is relatively small (besides bragging rights). And who are we impressing anyway, it's only the same players every day and most everyone has one by now. LOL

But I'm still happily playing (after a 3 yr hiatus), and our clan + alliance is still very strong. We really need to attract new players to the game who can come up thru the ranks. Splitscreen, let's revitalize the marketing effort and offer some incentives for players bringing in new recruits? It'd be great to have swarms of players together again like it was four or five years ago. Understanding there may be some technical challenges with making it work, I also like the idea of merging servers. Can always split regions again if / when concurrent player headcount increases sufficiently.

In any case keep up the good work developing TC. We are all waiting with baited breath.
Cheers, al_a_SSD / Solaria