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a suggestion for the developers


Active member
Dec 1, 2010
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hey...its me. ichor.

ive been playing this game for more than 6 years now, and after speaking to many players throughout the years ive come to understand the mentality of the average player, what they want, what they dont want, and what they consider fun.

what do they consider fun? lots of stuff

whats not fun? grinding. and yeah, i know what you guys are doing right now (devs). you're rolling your eyes and saying "oh boy another post about complaining about grinding. incoming increased cry amount rates blah blah blah".

no. sorry boys.

this post is about the future of grinding for gear in tau ceti. i have been told, or rather, reminded, that all tau ceti missions as of now are place holder missions. meaning that they wont be here when tau ceti part 2 comes out. :(

the missions that we used to grind cry, made grinding not only 10 times easier (but not a cakewalk by any means), but more enjoyable as a whole. im not begging for you guys to keep the missions. im asking you, the developers, to make a more...less monotonous way of grinding. harvs, missions, its just so boring. its mentally draining, and it pushes people away, because the majority of players prefer a more intuitive way of grinding rather than just killing harvs over and over. maybe a mission like the para mission, or SOME new way of grinding. really anything that at least makes it exciting. this will make it better for veteren players and allow more players to retain in the game. it would also make tau ceti more inviting as a long term option for players just getting to the system. just a suggestion. i really dont have any ideas to make a new way of intuitive grinding, but whatever you guys do thats not just killing harvs over and over, im down for it.


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Jun 1, 2011
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Main Pilotname
I don't know who told you that the missions of part 2 will be removed.
Part 1 and part 2 will be removed, but the missions will be playable as normal HM like a normal system.

You will still be able to farm parasites and harvs if you want to ^^


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2016
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ichor said:
hey...its me. ichor.
Hello Ichor! I love the idea u posted here. I posted something like this with some added ideas in the past. If ur interested u can check out what i came up with http://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=38569&p=182198#p182198

Keep posting ideas to improve this game :) I feel like the devs are getting more serious with pirate galaxy again and we might even see back some of our idea's in the future!

Greatings flyfighter!