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Game Update January 15, 2025


Splitscreen Studios
May 28, 2013
Reaction score
Game Update January 15, 2025

Around 8:30 AM UTC+1, game servers will restart for game resources to be updated.

Changes & Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where pilots could, under certain circumstances, reach star systems for which they did not yet have the required navigation chips.
  • Fixed login loop issue after creating a new avatar (multiple disconnects/reconnects could occur in short succession).
  • Fixed lensflare fx fade into view did not work correctly at times.
  • Enhanced Audio Component:
    • Cached sound behavior will now use the distance to the listener position to determine which sound should be stopped or not played at all.
    • Declines sounds to be played that are not in hearing range. This change can improve overall sound fidelity where the limit for simultaneously played sounds was previously reached too early.