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The Conquest Rework Update is Due Next Week!


Splitscreen Studios
May 28, 2013
Reaction score

Dear pilots,

Our long-awaited "Conquest Rework" update is about to go live next week! We spent quite a bit of time on development, so we are very excited - and admittedly also a little anxious - to see how much of an impact the all-new Conquest will make with your clans across all realms.

What makes us super proud is that once again we had tremendous help with both design and testing of the update - from you! Seeing how deeply so many of you still care about Pirate Galaxy is a delight. Your enthusiasm fills us with confidence that together we will advance our shared space adventure even further!

Be seeing you next week!
Splitscreen Games

P.S.: A big extra "Thank You!!" to @Eredin for crafting a video trailer for the update that you can see above!

P.P.S: The detailed changelog will be published next week. For now, you can read up on all changes through our consecutive logs here.